Updated September 18, 2020
*** Racing Sunday September 20 and Saturday September 26 ***
First warning at 10:55 each day
See below for updated race and committee instructions
2020 Score Sheet update 9/18
2020 Committee Schedule
2020 Race Results
September 16, 2020
Dear AYC Skippers and Crew:
Per the Sailing Instructions and schedule, we will be racing this Sunday, September 20. We will also be adding another race date to the schedule - Saturday, September 26. We will conduct one race on each of those dates. The first warning will be at 1055 each day. The reason we are adding the additional Saturday (9/26) is due to our shortened season. We have decided NOT to add an additional Saturday which was reserved for October 3. We believe this would start to infringe on Larsen Marine, as we use their boat to pull our racing marks out of the water. We want to be respectful of their busy season and equipment requirements.
We have our Race Committee assignments for this Sunday, 9/20 and for Saturday, 9/26. Bob Dick will be sending out reminders to our Race Committee teams for these dates.
Lastly, I would like to thank each of you for your patience as we have dealt with a very unusual season. I would like to commend all the skippers who only raced within the designated State of Illinois Governor's orders for boating. I do not believe that we have had a single report case of COVID amongst our fleet. We have stayed safe, smart, respectful and have had a lot of fun. We got to race and sail in 2020! Let us alway be grateful for that.
I look forward to seeing you all on the water this week. (Stay tuned for an update on this Thursday night's race. NOAA is calling for small craft advisories from a strong NE winds. We will make a decision at noon on Thursday and you will receive a message if we are canceling Thursday night's race.
Sail fast and be safe.
AYC Sail Committee
Ray Douglas
Jack Amedio
Bill Strzelewicz
June 14, 2020
Skippers, Crew, Members, Family and Friends:
Our AYC Summer Twilight Racing Series begins this Thursday, June 18! The racing marks are set and we are all ready to go sailing!
Please visit the AYC Racing Page on the website to review the Section Breaks, Sailing Instructions and the Race Committee assignment dates. (Please note: all information will be refreshed and updated on the website on Monday morning, June 15.)
SKIPPERS' MEETING NOTE: Due to the current State of Illinois COVID Phase 3 regulations, we can't have a gathering of more than 10 persons. Therefore, I will be holding the Skippers Meeting over the VHF radio on Channel 69. The Skippers Meeting will begin at 5PM sharp. Please tune into your VHF radio on Channel 69 to hear important messages about the racing format and program.
CLASS SECTION FLAGS: AYC will be providing each participating boat with an AYC Section Flag. This year's Sailing Instructions designate a specific section flag color. Please STOP BY slip A3-01 individually to receive your boat's section flag from Ray Douglas after the Skipper's Meeting concludes. We are asking each skipper to fly their AYC Section Flags from their vessel's backstay for the duration of the season. It is a great way to promote our Summer Racing Series.
A warm welcome to all the new skippers and teams to the program this year!
Once again, I'd like to thank you for your patience as we took some extra time to ensure that our skippers, teams and program were all ready to go.
Sail fast and have fun!
AYC Sail Committee:
Ray Douglas
Jack Amedio
Bill Strzelewicz
AYC Racers:
We had a few boat registration changes the day of our first All or One Distance Sprint Race on June 6. This caused us to miss how some of the boats/teams were categorized (Single-Handed, Double-Handed or Fully Crewed, JAM, Spin). See the
results page for category finishes.
First of all, thank you to all 21 skippers and teams that completed the race! It was perfect sailing conditions and every team had a fast sail up to the Zion crib mark and back to Waukegan's green can.
We are looking forward to seeing you all on our next All or One Race scheduled for Saturday July 11.
Ray Douglas
Jack Amedio
Bill Strzelewicz
AYC Sail Committee
All or One Race June 6 Recap:
What a perfect day to get offshore and sail! We had 21 boats race in our first race of the season’s All or One Offshore Distance Sprint Race! I’m not the club historian, but I believe this was our largest turnout ever!
We had perfect sunny conditions with a cool north breeze at 10-12 knots with puffs to 15 knots. There were fully crewed teams with a few double-handed, triple-handed and even a single-handed boat! We also some first time racers out there! I’d also like to thank all of the Chicago based boats for participating. I’ve enjoyed meeting you and we all welcome you to race with us on Thursday evenings beginning June 18. We have 30 or so boats signed up and would be great to have the Chicago based boats enjoy our Waukegan skyline for as long as you are in Waukegan Harbor!
Special thanks to Jack Amedio and Kevin Novak for getting our racing marks set last Friday. Ready to go for June 18!
We look forward to seeing you all on the the next starting line!
Sail fast!
Ray Douglas
Jack Amedio
Bill Strzelewicz
AYC Sail Committee
Dear AYC Skippers, teams, family and friends:
The AYC Sail Committee and Board of Directors reviewed the recent updates that were announced by Governor Pritzker's office on 5/20 and reaffirmed on 5/27. Illinois will be entering a Phase 3 re-opening on May 29. This will allow for non-essential businesses to reopen with specific guidelines in place. For the boating community, the following guidelines will be in place:
- The Illinois guideline for boats 26 to 36 feet is 8 persons (limit is 6 adults, 8 person max where 2 or more are less than 17 years old).
- Guideline for boats 36 feet or more is 10 persons (limit is 8 adults, 10 person max where 2 or more are less than 17 years old).
- On and off pier gatherings are limited to less than 10 persons.
Based on the new Phase 3 Guidelines, we will start our AYC Summer Racing Series. The first race of 2020 will be an All or One Race on Saturday June 6. Our Thursday racing series will begin on June 18. We will be making these adjustments to our racing schedule, assigning Race Committee duty dates, and amending the 2020 Sailing Instructions to permit running additional races on Saturday September 26 and Saturday October 3 to make up for our delayed start to the season. The Sail Committee will decide if these additional Saturday races will be run based on input from the AYC Board of Directors and the AYC skippers/fleet.
The reason we are starting the Thursday Racing Series on June 18 is threefold:
1. Some skippers and teams are needing more time to prepare their boats for racing.
2. Larsen Marine still has a significant backlog of boat launches.
3. The AYC Sail Committee needs additional time to prepare/repair and set our racing marks and tackle.
We will be updating the racing information, including the SI amendment, on the AYC website shortly.
We will keep you informed through email announcements also.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we strive to make the best decisions that comply with the Governor's orders, while maintaining a safe and fun Summer Racing Series.
Respectfully and in service to the AYC Fleet,
Ray Douglas
Jack Amedio
Bill Strzelewicz
Link to score sheet, results, and committee schedule now on top of page.
On-line sign-up for Race for Fun series
2020 Sailing Instructions
2020 Committee Boat Instructions
All or One Race Instructions 2020
Beer Can Ten Commandments
Link to racing rules