Anchorage Member Shel Dummer Racing in the Solo Super Mac and Back

Anchorage member Shel Dummer is racing the Great Lakes Singlehanded Society Chicago-Port Huron-Chicago Super Mac and Back race SOLO, starting June 21.  Most of us are amazed by Anchorage members John Hoskins, Todd Scott, and Shel, who have done exceptionally well in the solo Chicago Mac in the past several years.  Now Shel racing the equivalent of  FOUR of these races, solo, on his C&C 40 "Celerity"!!  Here is some more information from Shel:  

Link to my boat, Celerity, on Cruising page
Link to Racing page.  You will need to select the 2008 Great Lakes Singlehanded Society (GLSS) Race beginning June 21.  My boat's name is Celerity.
This year I will be racing SOLO in the Great Lakes Singlehanded Society Chicago-Port Huron-Chicago Super Mac and Back.  The race is 1034 nautical or 1190 statute miles long and will take between 9 days at an average of 5 knots and 15 days at an average of 3 knots.  Hopefully it is not slower. 
There are six other boats that will be racing this race and other competitors in shorter races that will be a portion of the race I am doing. It seems funny talking about a SOLO race from Chicago to Mackinac Island as one of the shorter races.  The link to the GLSS website is:
My wife, Sue, will be tracking me closely and is my Offshore Handler.  I will be in contact to her by Satellite and Cell phone.  If you want more info about my progress you can contact her.
I hope you enjoy watching the race progress.