
Reminder that there are many (thousands) of high resolution photos on-line.  Not just from this year, but going back for years.  To view the photo album, go here: https://anchorageyachtclub.org/gallery3/index.php/ . Or click the photo album menu item in the left column. 

Then, from there view albums by year, and many sub-albums.  Most albums have many pages of thumbnail photos, look for the album page numbers at the bottom left.
When viewing an album, click on a thumbnail to view a photo, and then if a higher resolution photo is available click on it again, and sometimes click again for an even higher resolution photo.
Depending on your browser, you can usually "right click" on a photo to download it.
Do you have some great photos to share?  Let us know and we'll get them in the album!
The Anchorage Yacht Club 2022 Race Awards Banquet on November 5th at Dover Straits was a blast! Thanks to all the skippers and crew that were able to attend!

See photos herehttps://anchorageyachtclub.org/gallery3/index.php/2022events/cheesecup

2022 Cheese Cup was a blast!!  Another perfect start with a roll of the dice and the winds out of the South sailing to Kenosha.  Shifting wind and rolling waves kept crew busy.

9Lives crossed the finish line 1st for the "gold" with Accord right on her tail for the "silver"  followed by Tigress taking the "bronze"! 9 Lives sailed by the crew Chrissy, Trevor, Scott and James - without George who crewed on Peenhonin.  Peenhonin and Latitude fought for the Cow Pie award, Latitude takes it! With the crews from Layover, Joan Clair, LunaSea and the rest made for a fun awards celebration.  Thanks to Bill and Amy for being land crew & director of boat tie ups.  Bill announcing the awards & "professional" photography by Amy! And a big thanks to KYC for welcoming AYC once again and our first time KYC member entrant Joan Clair! 

The after party on Peenhonin topped off a great day of sailing, thank you Jeanne and Steve!
Thanks to all that participated, hope to see you next year!
9Lives IV
Joan Clair
Janet and George
Say "Cheesecup"!