Seasons Completes the Great Loop, Crossing her Wake at SSYC
Thanks to Anchorage member Marian Hoskins for this article.
Seasons Completes the Great Loop, Crossing her Wake at SSYC
By Brian Adams and Dorothy Meitz
On Wednesday, August 14, 2019 at 12:20 p.m., we crossed our wake at South Shore Yacht Club in Milwaukee after completing our Great Loop cruise. We thoroughly enjoyed the trip so much that we are planning to leave in October 2019 to do it again.
Completing the Great Loop is an awesome adventure. We enjoyed all of the people along the way, the places we visited, and the challenges encountered. All 12 of the reciprocal yacht clubs we visited welcomed us with open arms. Visiting our friends the Donalds at Fairhope YC in Alabama was the most memorable.
Our top 10 highlight list:
10. Space-X Falcon Heavy rocket launch from our anchorage in Titusville, Fl
9. Overnight dockage in the Henry Lock built in 1870
8. Peterborough Lift Lock
7. Blueberry picking in the North Channel
6. Backing into Lock 26 on the Mississippi River
5. Viewing the Statue of Liberty by water
4. Cumberland Island
3. Kilkenny Anchorage
2. Friends and Family who joined us along the way
1. Loopers we hopscotched with along the way
We could easily do a top 100 list of great memories.
Just a few of the completion stats for Seasons.
1987 42’ Grand Banks Classic with Twin 135 hp Lehmans
• Statute Miles traveled 5686, Hours underway 678, Average Speed 8.0 mph
• Total days 319, Travel days 145, Average daily travel miles 39
• Nights in a marina 241, Nights at anchor or no charge stops 78
• 107 locks, Highest level was 840 above sea level
• Gallons of diesel used 2407 / burn rate .42 gal per mile
• 26 friends and family stayed on the boat at various times
• Total fuel $8,174.00 / 3.40 per gal
• Marina dockage $19,792.00 / Average 82.00 per night
• Provisions $8,982.00, Dining and entertainment $11,419.00
• Maintenance $8,973.00; no major issues or repairs
• Total expense $68,325.00
• We budgeted $5,000.00 per month; actual was $6,507.00 per month
The trip is truly an adventure for all of the senses. The visual enjoyment of ever changing landscapes and watching the waterways open up before your eyes, anticipating what you’ll see around the next bend. The smells of crisp fresh air in the north, salt air in the south, industrial areas, and farm fields. The sounds of a peaceful water slap against the hull in a secluded anchorage to the busyness of New York Harbor. The taste of all the local cuisines some of which we have never heard of before. The feel of our boat as it slides through the waters, wind on your face and the handshake of a new friend.
The Great Loop route encompasses a mental smorgasbord for the brain, decisions, challenges, experiences, problem solving, adversity and above all the comradery of likeminded people with the love of the sea and adventure sprit. We truly value the friendships created along the way.
“SEASONS” 42’ Grand Banks Classic
South Shore Yacht Club
AGLCA Gold 2019