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Members - Do you have an interesting article or story, sailing or non-sailing, that you would be interested in sharing on our website?  If so, let the webmaster know, and we'll see about getting it published!  Then, it will display when clicking the "member articles" menu item in on the left!  See the new "I Am Happy" and "Outward" articles!

Race for Fun Awards Banquet

This year's Race for Fun Awards Banquet at the Port O Call, GLNTC, was a great success, with record attendance!!

We're all looking forward to the 2013 season, and plan to continue improvements to the race program, for example see the article below about the possibility of a new weekly Wednesday afternoon program.

Meanwhile, if you enjoyed the slideshow, hook up your big screen, and you can watch it here!!  Great therapy for winter depression!!  (fast Internet connection required)

To watch the slide show, go to the album by clicking here, then click the "Album Actions" in the top left corner, and select "Slideshow".  Usually the first one in the drop down works better, and you can go to full screen after it gets going.  Find the options link in the lower right, and adjust the speed, and go full screen.

Keep the spirit going until Spring!